13 May 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Something weird happened today at lunch. As I was rushing to finish my food so I can get to class, a former lecturer of mine greeted me with my name. Now, it's not weird for lecturers to talk to students, but this lecturer has largely ignored my greetings whenever we met over the past year. So it was a surprise that he remembered my name, and more of a surprise that he tried to make small talk. He asked me where my 'gang' was, and I said they were probably in class already. He even purposely walked over to my side of the table and gave me a tap on the shoulder before he left. All that left me dazed and confused. Is there some conspiracy boiling within the ranks of lecturers and that somehow my allegiance will help him? I doubt that.

Really, really weird.

What's not so weird is my getting straight A's again for last semester. Sure, there were times when I felt threathened, but I kept on soldiering ahead and it paid off. Better yet, a lot of my peers did not manage to maintain their A streak, but I did so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. But as I slowly head towards my final year, many things are uncertain.

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