15 July 2005

Water Cut? What Water Cut?

At the start of this week, I wrote that the state government here is enforcing an alternate 24-hour water rationing, and that my place will be affected. Strangely, there has been no problems at all this week. I attribute that to the college's large water tank - but it is still a strange occurence considering how wanton people here treat water. For example, some bathers will unleash the maximum water pressure when showering, while others leave the tap running (see old post Inconsiderate Bastards).

Well, I know for sure that the rationing is being enforced, as I asked the hair stylist cutting my hair the other day. And last night when I drove by a restaurant, I saw workers hauling pails of water off from a self-made water tank. All in all, I'm just glad that I could still get fresh water here.

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