21 July 2005

Liquid Paper

In the second part of a series of lame posts about trivial items in my life, I'm gonna write about the new liquid paper I bought last week.

I've been using Papermate's Liquid Paper for a couple of years now, and I'm talking about the same tube here. I considered these white chemicals as extremely expensive - a few Ringgit for 7ml? So when I finally finished the current tube I went out shopping for another one. At the hypermarket I had a few choices, between the famous Papermate, and other unknown brands.

I had a real dillema in my hands: Do I go with the trusted brand by paying RM5, or do I try some cheaper brand which will probably do the same thing for RM3? I finally settled on Dolphin's Correction Liquid, touted as "multipurpose" and "quick dry". Quick dry I can understand, but multipurpose? What other purpose would you use a liquid paper for? Whitening the peeled-off areas of your wall?

At any rate, it was only RM2.90 for a 12ml tube, compared to Papermate's 7ml tube for RM5.90. It was a purchase decision I regretted today. While there were no problems with the application of liquid paper, the liquid itself doesn't work very well. While it will cover writing errors in a deep white, any attempt to write over it later will scrape it off. In other words, it doesn't work! No correction is possible at all!

If 7ml could last me 2 years, how long would I have to tolerate this 12ml madness?

P.S. I remembered that back in secondary school we would equate sperm to liquid paper, and then giggled sheepishly over it. Dirty-minded bastards.

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