18 July 2005

Harry Potter!

It is inevitable - I have to write about The Half-Blood Prince. I'm already in Chapter 6, and I gotta say, Joanne still has it. Joanne who? Joanne as in J.K. Rowling. What? The 'J' isn't Joanne? Well, I could care less...

Anyway, the English Language Society of my college opened a mini booth to sell the penultimate book in the series. They were giving away some free gifts, if I'm not mistaken. One thing troubles me though - in the flyers pasted around the college promoting the sale, it is written "Something is coming to Hogwards!"


Why should people buy the book from a society that misspells Hogwarts? As a Potter fan, I was seriously offended! (air of indignity)

So I downloaded the pirated e-book off the Net.

Don't give me that look of disgust! There's much that a teen can do with RM90, you know?

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