28 July 2005

The Perils of Wearing Boxers

Unlike most Malaysians, I wear boxers instead of briefs. I discovered the joy of briefs around 2 years ago, and I never turned back. The feeling of freedom is, well, liberating. Briefs just get in the way, you know? Some of my friends who are still stuck in Brief Land give a myriad a reasons to continue wearing tighty-whities. The most common claim is that they wouldn't want to be caught dead having a public erection, which will be so obvious if they wore boxers. I'm not denying that doesn't happen with me, but I prefer letting it grow and subside naturally rather than trying to squeeze it and conform it to a scrap of fabric. I think having an erection in briefs is more unhealthy in the long run, such as (possibly) odd angles.

But that is not the main danger when it comes to wearing boxers. Only inexperienced boxer wearers will be concerned about erections. Oh no, the real danger comes from those two things under the erection. As the balls can move around freely (and believe me, they do), it might get into dangerous positions. Yesterday while I was sitting, I casually moved my right thigh. That sort of rubbed off on my testicle and I think it twisted it a little. I can only say "I think", coz at that moment the sharp pain made me focus more on my bulging eyeballs, afraid it will drop out as well. The pain went as quickly as it came, but I sat there whimpering for the next 20 seconds, afraid of further damaging the family jewels. All that, just because of a tiny duct that connects the testicles to everywhere else.

Achille's weakness may be his heel, but for the rest of us, there's Testicles.

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