01 July 2005

Moe-man-toss dee lah par-sion

Well, all my friends are now enjoying themselves (immensely, I hope) at the prom night. That leaves me, myself, and my left hand.

No, just joking!

I always do it with my right hand.

At any rate, I had two choices. I could wallow in self-pity at my inability to find a date by gouging myself with fast food while watching movies on my laptop, or I could do whatever the hell I wanted to do but couldn't because of my friends.

I chose the latter. That's why I went swimming just now, and I'll be going out to the pasar malam to get myself some food, and treat myself to some trinkets I'll regret buying 5 minutes later. Once in a while, boys just wanna have fun, ya know?

One thing about prom nights. They love to word the theme in a foreign language, like French or Spanish. I presume it is to enhance the glamour of the night, which is what the organizers need after charging each person RM80. This year, the theme of the night is "Momentos De La Pasion" - Spanish (I think) for "Moments of Passion". Seriously, what's wrong with using plain ole English? Imagine the hard time Ah Bengs and Ah Lians have to go through to pronounce the theme to their partners. I imagine they would pronounce it like the title of this post.

Anyway, I ought to be out having some old-town fun.

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