13 July 2005

Hair Cut

David and I went for a hair cut this afternoon. But to stay true to my promise of talking more about other things besides myself, I won't elaborate on the experience.

Aw, shucks. I'll tell anyway.

We went to a hair training studio, where the students will cut our hair under the teacher's supervision. The benefit of these centres is that they charge very cheap. The one we went to charged RM4 for a hair cut. David went to another one before this that charged RM5, but includes a hair wash as well. We went there around 12.30pm, and emerged with our hair cut at around 1.40pm. And we didn't have to wait! That means we sat there for more than an hour as the trainees fumbled around with our hair.

Luckily, the trainee who worked on me was a Malay woman so we conversed in Malay. If I had gotten the Chinese dude cutting David's hair, I might have some trouble communicating my needs. My luck extended beyond that, it seems, when she did a better job with my hair. David was quite disappointed with his hair. I think part of the reason is because my hair stylist let me point out my style from a catalog.

Once she has finished, the teacher will come and comment on her work. He helped even out some parts and trimmed away more of my hair. All in all, it looked fine, but a little weird from the side. Thankfully, it will have enough time to smoothen out by next Friday, which is the Installation Night. That is the reason why I went to have my hair cut anyway. If not for that Night, I would have kept my unruly hair through to August!

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