05 July 2005

Bathroom Attire

What do people wear to the shower cubicles around here? From my experience, most will go with the towel wrapped around their waist. That's what I usually do. I'll have my boxers/briefs (boxers usually) under it, of course. I don't bring my shirt along, unless it's a cold morning. Meanwhile, my roommate David usually goes to the toilet with his short pants on, and his towel draped across his shoulder. That is also a common sight around here.

But I've seen the weirdest thing to wear to the showers - jeans. One of the new residents on my floor actually goes into the shower cubicle with his jeans on, and then comes back out wearing his jeans. Does he have to be that reserved and shy? I mean, it's so troublesome to remove a stiff pair of jeans and not get it wet at the same time!

At the other end of the scale, I had this Chinese guy in my old block that usually came out of his shower cubicle naked. And then he'll dry himself in front of everyone present and check himself out in the mirror. Well, I don't blame him, really. He does have the goods, if you know what I mean. ;-)

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