29 July 2005

The Things They Do...

..to make life hell for us.

We have many network users in our hostel, and managing the network has been a cause of frustration for the network administrators (let's abbreviate 'Network Administrators' and call them 'Idiots' for the rest of this post). Unfortunately, the measures that the idiots take to control the network is also causing us, the users, much frustration.

To me, the idiots are like pre-school children, grabbing every new technology in sight and forcing them down our throats before doing full-scale testing. With every semester, there will be at least one new hurdle placed by the idiots for us to jump across. The problem is every hurdle is different everytime, so if you were able to jump across one hurdle, you'll only land on your face while attempting the next.

First, it was proxy servers. Next, a content filter that never filtered out legit sites. Then, came some ISA server bullshit that never lasted long. It was promptly followed by some load balancing cow manure. And then today... today is the Holy Grail of all security hurdles: the Network VirusWall. I'm not sure how it works yet, but I believe it is meant to stem the outbreak of viruses by scanning each and every bit we transfer. I'm sure the connection will take quite a hit, but the problem is that it won't let us connect to the Internet in the first place. Trying to access a website will yield the following message:

"Vulnerability Summary:

Vulnerability Assessment requires a reassessment of this computer. This computer may be at risk of a virus infection.

To reconnect to the network, click Reassess this Computer, or contact your network administrator."

There's a cute little rectangular button at the bottom labeled "Reassess this Computer". Being the law-obedient Net user that I am, I clicked on it, hoping to regain network access soon.

Nothing happened.

David seems to be having the same problem. I tested it with Firefox, and the Internet Explorer. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

There was not a single notice about how to deal with this. There was just a message online earlier about some network maintenance going on, but I didn't guess it was something this huge. Worse, it will probably scare IT-illiterate users that their "computer may be at risk of a virus infection."

I'm infected, all right. I'm infected by the sheer idiocy of some decision-makers in this college.

Things are finally (almost) back to normal. The security assessment successfully ran and finished, but not before saying that a vulnerability is found. After some initial panic, I turned the proxy server back on, and I manage to go onto MSN.

My guess is that the software was not properly installed last night. If you think I'll finally forgive the Idiots for what they have done, you are wrong.

P.S. I also realized that I'm a slave to the Internet.

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