02 July 2005

Mission Complete

Just came back from the night market, and I felt satisfied. I spent RM17 on myself and RM3 on donations. I bought myself a pair of faux "Ray-Ban" glasses, some Fuji apples, a steamed corn, and a glass of sea coconut drink.

One thing about the RM10 sunglasses being sold at such flea markets. Being the cheapskate that I am, I have become an expert at knowing the types of sunglasses to buy. Many of them are very pretty, but if you don't choose wisely, most of them will spoil within 4 months of your purchase. So now, let me enlighten you with the characteristics of good sunglasses that will last years.

Two words: No screws.

From the 6 (or more) sunglasses that I have bought throughout my lifetime, only one survived the test of time. The others broke due to the fact that screws were used to hold in the lenses. This is a big no-no as it weakens the lens integrity and it becomes very easy to crack. Good sunglasses should not use screws, but instead use clamps or other natural hooks that keep the lens in place. I have only realised this after my previous purchase broke. Meanwhile, one particular cheap glasses that I got for only RM5 more than 3 years ago is still with me, with barely any damage after being thrown around, put in my pockets, crushed by bottles, etc. So, I only look at sunglasses that do not rely on screws. I have seen many that are pretty, but 90% of all fake sunglasses out there use screws as a cheap way to hold the frame to the lens. I almost gave up after a few stalls, but right at the end of the pasar malam was where I found my treasure. They had a lot of screw-less choices and I almost decided to buy two as they both looked pretty. Finally though, reason took control and I got only one I like. The ugly "Ray-Ban" is printed over the top-left corner of the lens. I hope that fades away soon.

Another thing that I wanted to buy was a (fake) silver ring. They were going for around RM3 each, and I think having some jewelery will spice up my image somewhat. I like silver/white gold bands the best as they look simple and elegant. I really hope that in the future, I can propose (or be proposed) with a silver ring. I don't need or want diamonds. Simplicity speaks a thousand words. However, after trying on a few 'silver' bands of differing widths, I loathed every one of them. They looked so ugly on my hand! I am beginning to reconsider my preference of a silver ring for my future engagement and marriage.

Regarding the RM3 donation, I gave RM1 each to two blind musicians and RM1 to the St. John's Ambulance Flag Day collection. Regarding the blind musicians who sit on a stool, playing traditional instruments and singing while holding on to a Tupperware as the collection box, I am well aware that they do not work alone. Some syndicates will take some of the collections away from him at the end of the day, and he would be helpless if they took more than their share. However, when I give that donation, I do it with a good intention to help him. If other people steal money from him or treat him unfairly, then that's their karma. We should be mindful that our karma is affected by our actions, not others.

And about the St. John's Ambulance thingy, I have been in their place before. And I know how it sucks to be standing around crowded areas and hoping that strangers will put some spare change into your small Milo tin.

All for a good deed.

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