04 July 2005

Alias = Resident Evil?

I have just finished watching the season 4 finale of Alias, the action-packed (though inconsistent) series starring Jennifer Garner. I have always wondered, does Jennifer Garner have a 1 hour performance limit? Coz she always acts well in the hourly Alias, but suck in all the movies she has acted in. All? Well - what did YOU think about Daredevil, 13 Going on 30, and Elektra?

At any rate, I was a little bored by this season's finale as the storyline somewhat resembled the Resident Evil videogames. It's just so obvious when they are dealing with a water-borne virus that turns people into mindless zombies that travel in packs and attack rabidly. There was also a scene where they had to activate a defunct subway train and travel in darkness. Seriously! 4 years of scriptwriting have obviously blunted their edges. And they even had to write it so that there's a whole family reunion. Sydney, her fiance, her father, her mother, her sister, her sister's father, her sister's aunty... Luckily for us Chinese, family reunions happen around a restaurant table, not while saving the world.

As always, there's always that little nugget at the end to tease viewers. But really, when a series that relies entirely on the suspense of unanswered questions has been running for 4 seasons, Alias will eventually have to rely on secrets that have been pulled out from the ass. C'mon. One season, he's your fiance, and the next he's your sworn enemy. And then the next season, he's back to being your beau. What's the deal with that?

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