07 June 2005

Weight Gains & New Resolutions

Some friends and I went for dinner, and after that we drove (more like I drove) to the nearby hypermarket. Don't let the name fool you though, this 'hypermarket' is smaller than most major cities' supermarkets.

Anyway, you know how these places have weight scales that charge about 20 cents? During dinner, the conversation somehow went around the issue of weight gain, and they decided to find out for sure how much they gained. I didn't join them as I was too busy choosing between instant oats and quick cooking oats.

Some of them, especially David, was shocked to learn how much more heavier they are now. He claimed he gained 18kg since he came here, but I doubt that. He has gotten fatter, yes, but not to the point of 18kg! At any rate, most of them made new resolutions to exercise harder (especially David) and even asked me to park a little further so they could walk back to their rooms.

Me? Well, I'm glad to say that since coming here, I've lost 3kg, moving in a totally opposite trend from my friends. :)

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