13 February 2006

I Choose To Be Naive

David tricked me again. He loves playing practical jokes on others, me included. It wasn't that long ago that he locked me in my own room. I really don't know what pleasure he gets from telling lies, but it's in his nature.

I have given up trying to advise him on the downfalls of liars and practical jokers. When he tricked me again just now, I decided to forget about it. No point getting all fed up. I may be naive and easily conned, but that is my choice. I prefer to view my glass as half-full and be optimistic that there are honest people around me.

1 comment:

Claus said...

I also can't believe David is that kind of person....LOL (although it's not fun to laugh of your encountering).

Btw, it's one of the craziest things I've heard the one guy could do to his roommate. :oP