06 February 2006

Are You Fearless?

I watched Fearless with HWMNBN* last Wednesday night. I couldn't believe how packed the cinema was! I mean it's already 3 days after the official Lunar New Year but there were still so many people! We wanted to catch the 7.30pm show but it was already sold out. The next showtime at 9.25pm was quite packed too and there weren't any good seats.... except for a couple seat. I was afraid people might feel queer seeing two guys in a couple seat but I had to choose between having a good view or having a big ego.

In short, I picked the couple seat.

And my first impression was, "WOAH". It was my first time in a couple seat (never been on any movie date before, really!) and the feeling of the bigger seat is just bliss. I really don't mind paying an extra ringgit just to have a more comfortable seat. Though it is supposed to be two seats combined into one, it felt way more comfortable than that!

Ahem, on to the movie itself. I think it is one of the best kung fu films ever. I am sick of all the usual good-guy-avenges-for-lost-family-by-killing-bad-guy storyline, and Fearless really pulls this off gracefully. Jet Li plays both the hero and villain of the story and I really love movies where people actually change and not just stay a 2D character.

Since it is based on a true story, viewers simply can't expect the ending to be a rosy one. I think the final scene really embodies the name of the movie. But don't be fooled by all the philosophical talk - Jet Li really delivers his best punches and kicks in all the fight scenes. I still wonder why he tried to make Hollywood movies.

In the end, while it may disappoint people who expect a feel good kung fu movie, it exceeded my expectations with its story of how one man learned to be truly fearless.

*HWMNBN: He Who Must Not Be Named. He is just too private, and forbade me to write about us actually buying a couple seat. But what's done is done, I say.

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