18 February 2006

30 Minute Specials

I am annoyed. In this semester itself, my side of the floor kept experiencing power trips. Yes, it's not the whole hostel block, not even the whole floor - just my side of the floor (of all floors in the world). There's no knowing when it will happen, but the electrician usually takes 30 minutes to come and switch everything back on again. It's only 4am when I woke up feeling particularly hot. Then I suddenly realized that the ceiling fan was not, well, fanning me. I don't think the guy in charge will take 30 minutes to arrive in this ungodly hour so I'm just venting my frustration right now. As you can see, I can't even be bothered to put line breaks in my forced early morning daze.

Wait a minute - the power just came back on! All hail the electrician! Long live the line break!

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