14 February 2006


I have not been wearing my wristwatch for a few weeks now and I think it has made me happier. During boring lectures, I become fidgety and restless as I keep wondering why only 5 minutes have passed when it felt more like a hundred years? I would keep looking at my watch and get distracted from the lecture.

My watch is one of those metal clasp types, and a few weeks ago the hook became loose. It would unhook itself every 5 minutes and it became very annoying so I stopped wearing it. I noticed the positive change almost immediately - I was more attentive during lectures and even boring ones passed over quickly. If I need to know the time, I just whip out my handphone. But I refrain myself from using the handphone as my primary timepiece.

When I brought the watch home last week, I wanted to get the watch readjusted at a proper shop but Dad valiantly said he could do it. He didn't. In fact, he sorta made it worse so I didn't bring the watch back. So basically I am without a good watch now, but I don't think I miss it all that much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hate wrist watches.
they make my wrist sweaty.