05 August 2005

My Wish For My Birthday

Tomorrow is Alvin's birthday. Alvin is a coursemate, and our friendship has gradually improved over the past year. And for his birthday this year, some of us (Alvin's friends) planned to give him a surprise party. Well, surprise parties usually never turn out to be great surprises. I mean, it's your birthday, whad'ya expect? But anyway, we bought two 1/2 kg cakes to celebrate later at 12am. I'm leaving the task of planning the surprise to his room mate, so I don't have to bother so much as long as I pop my head around at the right time.

I'll update you guys with some pictures later, as I want to write about something else this post. Everytime I celebrate a birthday party, I get a little depressed. No, I'm not depressed about the increasing digits, but rather, how I usually celebrate my birthdays. Unfortunately for me, my birthday falls somewhere in December, and that means that all my friends are not around. Back in school, it was due to the long holiday, and now it is due to our long semester break.

What this means is that I have no room mates to surprise me, no birthday candles to blow, and no cake to eat. In fact, I don't remember the last time I had a birthday cake with my name on it! I think it must be when I was 5, when my parents got one for me and celebrated with a few other family members. Looking back, that was sad. But at least I had a cake.

My birthdays for the past few years are usually celebrated with a few thoughtful SMSes from close friends (maybe one or two cards), and birthday meals with Dad and Mum, separately. That's it. I mean, I'm not expecting us to go to McDonalds and frolic in the playground while clutching baloons, but still, I had always wished for a real surprise. You know, even my birthday present is negotiated with Dad! Where's the thrill?

So, for my 20th birthday this year, I wish that I can be truly surprised by a birthday cake and some close friends, or if possible, a significant other. If you know me personally, and you know my birthday, then keep this post in mind. Really, give me a surprise that I'll remember a lifetime (or at least 355 days) so I'll stop whining about this anymore.

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