13 August 2005

The Island Haze

I rescind my last post - I luurrvve Penang! It's such a great place with blue skies, green hills, and friendly people! I'm so proud to be a Penangite!

....Of course, I'm only saying that to appease the Haze Gods. Apparently, haze is settling upon this idyllic (not!) little island. I thought I had left it all behind in college, but friends are already accusing me of bringing back the haze.

The Island is not a bad movie, it's just... boring. It starts out quite slow with an interesting premise, and moves on to an explosive end. Unfortunately, I caught myself glancing at the watch every 15 minutes - not a good thing for an actioneer. The first 45 minutes are quite slow but handled quite well. The idea of the clones is chillingly human, and something that I suspect will be possible in the future. We then move on to the action part, which is filled with a lot of running, some car chases, more running and some more chasing. I read a review that said The Island had a great car chase rivalling that of The Italian Job.

My question is: where?

Director Michael Bay is obviously running out of idea, that's why he just made the characters run. The car chase scenes reminded me too much of Bad Boys II, another Michael Bay effort. The action is packed like sardines. Old sardines, that is. I would rate an action movie as 'mediocre' if I was bored enough to keep looking at the time. And time moved reaaall slow in there. I can't believe a movie like this takes up more than 2 hours!

And I suspect Mr. Bay relied on advertising to fund this movie. I saw product branding for the following (in no particular order): Amtrak, MSN, X-Box, Tag Heuer, GMC, Chevrolet, Nokia, Calvin Klein, Reebok, and probably some others that I don't remember.

In the end, there were only two things I liked about The Island: the futuristic city visualization, and the idea of the story.

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