10 August 2005

I Am In Deep Manure

The test today was harder than I expected. Of all the flashcards I made, only 30% had any relevance to the exam. I totally screwed up this test, and I may have to face the bitter truth that my streak of A's have finally come to a disgraceful end. There is still hope for an 'A', if the marker is lenient and the answers that I crapped were correct after all. After I finished the test I did an evaluation of a best-case and worst-case scenario. If I am reasonably optimistic I'll get an 'A'. If I'm not then I'll get a 'B'. Of course, a 'B' is not the end of the world, but it will forever doom my CGPA to always be < 4. That sucks.

Plus, my shoulders and neck are aching like hell. Gonna apply some Deep Heat ointment after shower. I gotta make sure I don't repeat this mistake for tomorrow's final exam.

1 comment:

Mr RM said...

Seriously Mr Zemien, when I read your blog, I am seeing a mirror image of myself!

For my masters, I had the straight four CGPA record too, but then, for one paper on economic ports and polities, i got a B!

Damm, because of that, my CGPA went down to 3.87! Well, that's is life.

I used to be active at Buddhist Fellowship including organising camps like in Mahindarama in Penang.

Zemien, Do you know there is more to life than just studies and Buddhism.

Do not repeat my mistake in life!