07 November 2005


Mouth ulcers are such a pain in the butt, except it's very much in the mouth. I'm having a nasty one right now. It's been stressing me out for about 3 days already. This one is particularly nasty because it is at the side of my tongue, and it will scrape against my teeth everytime I move it. And oh, the hellish sensation it sends through my body is just unforgivable.

My doctor told me a long time ago that once I start having ulcers, the condition will stay with me forever. Something about the virus hitchhiking in my mouth for the rest of eternity. I don't blame them - a moist and fleshy mouth is a good place to live. (Is it just me or did that last sentence come out seriously salah?)

Anyhoo, the good doctor gave me some steroid cream (Kanolone) to apply. I gotta say it works wonders but due to its strange cream texture, applying Kanolone is akin to diffusing bombs. If you don't do it right the first time, it's gonna be hell to try and repair it. Due to its sticky nature, you must dab it on the right spot. If you missed and tried to spread it over, the cream will stick to your fingers! It will never go back onto the ulcer and you'll have to wash it off and try again.

In other news, my life has been very boring lately. It has been so boring that I had to write about mouth ulcers in my blog! I'm supposed to do some serious studying in preparation for my programming competition and final year project but so far.... nothing.

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