15 October 2005

A Real Supermarket

Finally, I mean FINALLY, a real supermarket has come to our town. I have mentioned before that our only hypermarket here is a real lame deal, but the only deal, so we couldn't complain. But now, NOW, we have a proper one.

Sure, it's not Tesco or Carrefour, but this wholesale market is pretty good. Finally, it's good to see brightly-lit aisles, comfortable air-conditioning, and two floors (two! TWO!)! Extra exclamation marks could not convey my excitement.

This particular chain of wholesale markets specialize in cheap goods. 'Cheap' as in low price and also as in inferior quality. They have 20 plastic combs selling for RM2.40, and 3 pairs of sunglasses going for less than RM15 a pack. This is seriously the place to go if you're planning to open your own sundry shop or pasar malam stall.

Having said that, my only complain is the lack of food stuff and the horrible Islamic music played at 90 dB. I'm not discriminating religious music or anything, but mainstream pop is still the best way to go for supermarket music. Their food stuff corner feels pasted on - not weird considering that it's not their specialty anyway.

At the end of it all, I now know where to get cheap combs and lifetime supplies of henna without spending more than RM10.

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