28 April 2006

Plan B Activated

I know I promised to celebrate the blog's anniversary in style, but some things have had to change a little.

I promised three events: The Ancient Vault, The Geek List, and The Top 12 Posts of Zeem!.

The first two events are proceeding as planned, which means you won't see a normal post starting from tomorrow. However, I am going to cancel the Top 12 Posts event. Yes, I admit I was too lazy to pick out 12 posts out of 500+, but I did go through a couple of months and this is what I realize:

My posts suck.

Perhaps I am being my own worst critic, but it's true. I read many of my posts and I go "Huh? Did I actually write that crap?" Plus, even the best blogs out there don't have as much self-pride. You don't see Kenny Sia putting up his own very Best Of list now, do you? So there's no reason for me to get all kembang over my very modest achievement.

However, the show MUST go on! A complaint I have gotten from a reader is that my blog posts look dull because there are no photos. In response, I will hold a Photo Week from 7 May to 13 May, where I will look through my photo collection to find any interesting photos to show the world. I will try to show some of the Cambodia photos I've taken and perhaps a group photo with me in it. Knowing how egoistic I am, expect to see more photos that features me, Zemien, and I.


Let the celebrations commence!

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