06 September 2005

Love Is Enriching

Jackson said that I already made 3 posts today, so I thought, "Why not add one more?" I'm going to officially start working for my project tomorrow, and that will take up most of my time, so I might as well post as much as I can!

In this post I want to talk about one common misconception about relationships a lot of youngsters have (and all parents who don't want their kids to date). Basically, teenagers think that being in love will distract them from their studies, so they ask for a "time-out" during major exam periods.

I do not agree. Worse, I believe it may put a strain on the relationship and studies.

The fact is, those amateurs think that love is a draining force, something that requires constant attention to grow. While I do not deny that relationships need attention, I don't think they quite get what love is. Love should be an enriching emotion, one that makes you feel special, important, and needed. It should spur you on to do great things.

That's why I think that if one is mature enough, the emotions generated by love can be used to motivate students to do well in exams. Of course, mature love is a rare thing to find among immature people like teens, so I don't blame them. But now that I'm older and wiser, I think being in a healthy relationship will propel me forward.

I've felt that kind of feeling before, and I can also see it in the faces of people in love. They come to class more cheerful and are more positive and enthusiastic. Those are the exact attributes that contribute to a healthy learning environment. Ignoring the multiple times they SMS on the handphone, that is.

In conclusion, my 1st message to those students in love is - "Relationships are love generators, not love consumers. Use it to spur you on!"

My 2nd message to those students in love is - "Don't listen to Zemien, he does not have much experience anyway."

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