06 July 2006

Breaking All the Rules

The college recently had a career fair on Monday and Tuesday. About 10 companies were invited including MDEC, Dell, and Mobile88. MDEC didn't show up but I guess that's fine because I don't need a low-paying programmer job in Cyberjaya anyway.

The only serious IT company I liked was Extol. Actually I didn't know anything about them until I went for the walk-in interview on Monday. They are an IT security solutions provider based in Subang.

Now, I've listened to talks on how to handle an interview. I've read articles on personal grooming tips for interviews. I've been through enough interviews to know how to act and look. But on Monday I broke many of the rules. It's really hard to blame me because I could hardly walk around without feeling the need to puke. The evil, evil carrot juice was still circulating around my insides and I was in no mood to be in an interview. But Calvinsanity had come to see us and I had no choice but to "give face".

So I dragged myself out of bed and put on a t-shirt. When I got there I saw Jackson applying at Extol so I just joined in. As I was waiting for my turn to be interviewed by the company's CEO, COO, and another senior employee, I realized to my horror:
  • I was wearing an orange t-shirt

  • My t-shirt was not tucked in

  • My hair looks like a dead racoon, and probably smelt that way too

  • I didn't shave, and so I had this uneven stubble

  • I was wearing casual sneakers instead of black, fake-leather shoes

Talk about first impressions! Thankfully I did bring my resume and transcript. I let it do the talking, so to speak. And I'm sure my personality shone through. Or was that just the oil on my unwashed face?


Innocent^^Guy said...

yea man...blame it on calvinsanity! He made u showed up at the MPH so that you have a chance to see extol! If he didn't, you will still not know extol till today! It's not like he wanted any competition in the job market, but all he wanted is to be a good fren! He he

uncle boy said...

you surely did gave them the 1st impression... whatdahack.. they're looking for programmer geek like you, not a Sales or some "smart" looks thats ready for a battlefield. you agree with me or you agree with me?