07 October 2006

Fantastic Shot

This is the kind of stuff I look for when I work on Saturdays:

P.S. If you don't see any picture, well, it sure ain't MY side of the problem!

Oh OK! Let me re-upload the whole thing so you can see for yourself. Though on a Moody Monday, the picture doesn't look as impressive anymore:

P.S. If you're wondering what's so weird about a plane flying across Gurney Drive, it's that I've never seen planes fly across Gurney Drive.


savante said...

GASP. No pic. :)

But I guess you knew that. What's been going on over there?

Zemien said...

savante: Well, now you can see for yourself! It's not the 9/11 pics or anything, but it's the closest thing to Cool I could get on a sleepy Saturday morning in the office.