10 July 2007

070707 - Part 2

As promised, here are some videos of me teaching a simple 40 minute Cardio Dance class to a group of 50 children (and some awkward adults). If you only have time for one video, watch the last one.

Now, before you judge me on my less-than-stellar performance, keep in mind that I was distracted by making sure the kids at the back could see me. In true minimalist style, there was no stage (the stage behind me was strewn with artwork) and no wireless mic. So the kids could not see my footwork OR hear my cueing, a situation I was not prepared for. I ended up just going through the motions while my mind conjured up ways to signal the moves with my arm and fingers. Still, a pretty interesting experience.

The person next to me (a "shadow" in industry-speak) is Jastin, someone I knew since secondary school. He's never attended a cardio dance class before, so I think it's rather brave of him to be shadowing me. You can also read his blog.

For those of you wondering where I learned the moves (the proper term is "choreography"), check out Les Mills. I borrowed (the proper term is "copied") some of the moves from their variety of great group fitness programmes. I'm also working very hard to create my own choreo set to the songs of my choosing, because I can't be a thief all my life. The easier option is just to get certified by them legally. I'm working very hard on that too.

I'll write more about being a group fitness instructor, but for now, just sit back and enjoy watching me jump around. Feedback is appreciated, but I already know how lifeless I look in some of the songs, so tell me something more constructive.

(The clips are ordered chronologically, and only the last cooldown song is not shown)

BodyBalance 36 Tai Chi at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

BodyJam 40 Warmup at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

BodyJam 39 Bollyjam at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

BodyJam 39 Bollyjam at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

Modified BodyJam 28 Bongo Song at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

BodyJam 32 Isolations at MSPS Children's Camp '07 from Zemien and Vimeo.

1 comment:

KellYg@n said...

haha..the kids collapsed at the end..I think you should use 'justify' mode to align your text . :D