17 January 2011

Piha Beach, New Lynn, Auckland

Piha Beach is one of the world-famous surfing beaches. Perhaps the word 'notorious' suits it better, as there's at least one drowning every year and it has spawned its own reality TV show Piha Rescue. The waves of the Tasman Sea are indeed high and strong, and it wasn't even high-tide when we visited.

And in case you're wondering how the NZ English accent sounds like:

The other key highlight about this beach is that the sand is black due to iron sediments. So it's impossible to walk bare-footed on a hot sunny day as the iron absorbs the heat and will burn you.

Ironically, the best view of the beach is from far away

The rocky outcrop divides the beach into two

Notice the black sand?

The beach is divided into 2 by a large outcrop. The left side is more sheltered and is safer for swimming with life guards on duty in summer. The right side is really wild and a sign warns you so:

It's too dangerous to swim in the surf area

Washed up seaweed. It's definitely a different species and very rubbery!

The route to Piha is quite scenic and you will pass by the Arataki Visitors Center, so make sure to stop by.

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