21 March 2009

A Boy Can Dream

Recently Dell Malaysia announced a VSS scheme for 500 lucky employees to take up. Although I don't work in Dell I also fantasized what I would do with all the money I might have gotten. A boy can dream, right?

And speaking of dreaming, I got an email being passed around regarding a vacancy for a Computer Science lecturer at TAR College, Penang. Hmm... I've always wanted to be a lecturer (one of my ambitions while I was still studying, I admit). So I just sent in my resume and see what happens.

If I was eventually offered that job, would I take it? That's a huge question that I don't know the answer to. My current job is pretty secure despite the economy tanking, but on the other hand there's my ambition calling out. Hmm, decisions decisions.

Even if I never get it, a boy can dream, right? *sigh*


William said...

"Lecturer molests Student". :P

SilverHaze said...

Take it man... I rejected job offer from Dell because i had to go for Combat training...

But make sure you fully appreciate the chance lor...

Anonymous said...

William: Stop reading my thoughts!

SilverHaze: Eh? They didn't allow you to postpone your entry a bit? Or take unpaid leave??

SilverHaze said...

Can't postpone as it is da dang training period.... Takkan miss 3 days out of 5 days training....

But don always do this kinda things la... X-D