26 March 2008

Medicine Makes Me Hungry

Perhaps some of my medically-savvy readers can clue me in on this. Well, I believe at least some of them are doctors, doctors-to-be, or doctors-wannabe.

One of the unintended side-effects on putting me on NSAIDs and antibiotics is making me feel hungry easily. The effect is especially pronounced once the drugs kick in. I'm not sure if it's just the paracetamol, or it must be combined with an antibiotic. Either way, they make my stomach sing for an unhealthy snack.

And with me being sick for a few days already, that means a quickly-expanding wastline! I'm not kidding - I woke up this morning and found my tummy protruding in the wrong direction (abs totally not in sight). So I'm caught between resting at home or going to the gym tonight... Certainly a big dilemma for the modern man.

09 March 2008

The Govt Should be Afraid of Its People

I'm so glad that I got off my butt and registered as a voter, coz now I'll never forget my first election vote! I helped make a difference in Penang.
This really goes to show that people should not be afraid of the government - it's their choice, their representation.
Meanwhile, the propaganda yarn over at The Star is in full production. Check out this gem - which lamented that MIC leadership is in shambles due to Samy's loss, and therefore, Indians will have no voice in Parliament. Halfway through I had to check if it was an opinion piece. Surprisingly, it's considered news!
Check out the last paragraph:
Because of the defeat in some states, Indian representation is nil, making it a challenging task for the Barisan Nasional power-sharing formula to work. 
What power sharing? The reason they lost heavily this time is because they kept promising power-sharing but we only see the Umno puppet master pulling the strings.
Anyway, today's the dawn of a new era.